Just PLay… Game the world…

Sometimes, we need time for our needs. Coz we cant get what we want. So this is the exact thing for get what we want even our life way is structrured on “Right now, right here”. If God let us for wait, we have time for…

Lately i realize so many things on the life, i know i m getting old 🙂 This situation include bad sides and good side. Experinces lighthening our ways. So when my mind become confused. I prefer waiting for a while… Only see what gonna happen next 🙂

And also i know this writing from there and from here… Bullshit soon. But i want to write someting on here and i did what i want coz i dont need to wait for 🙂

So this time, soon coming late night who i missed not here,  i decided play a game, game my world and waiting come after i get tired so much… till sleep ll take me on inside….

Gamet the world, like a world a big game…

Even computers cant answer me when i ask, even they dont lie… Lool what i m telling

Ok, Berkant come on…. Lets play

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