Let me…


Horribble one, only i want to write for when i m searching for a lil presence…

Let me love you so much..,
Let me lay on you near the stars over there
Let me feel you inside me..
Let me, That is only thing i want…

You keep your walls… so high,
Let me keep it up but only one door,
Let me open it,
Just,just let me…

I dont wonder about apologies,
I dont wonder about your clothes,
You already wear enough chain…

You already wear,
Which is not warm me,
Only cold skin,
Like a cloak for knights….

Let me, coz already i let you for open my door,
Which is middle of my castle..
I let you for a change,
I only let you…
You ll choose what you like….

Now…I m keeping my walls up…
Till, when you come back…
Even i wrote inside my heart, wont be


Let me…” üzerine bir yorum

  1. isn’t horrible it’s beautiful 🙂 and it’s more beautiful when you let your feelings and your needs to out, when you are able to type and to give breathe to your words. never say never…

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