Mad About You…


?lk defa Marmaris’te otelimin odas?nda kom?ular?m?z?n laptopunda dinlemi? ve sonrada bu ?ark?ya hasta olmu?tum. Hala da severim. Sözlerde fena deil. Maaaaaad about you… Oldum mu zaten mad olacaks?n yada mad yapacak kadar olacak… Yada en güzeli ikisi birden O kom?ular bile  mad olmu?tu… Ama ne hikmetse ben, yorumsuz…..

Burda da sözler ve albüm, Süper yapm??lar ama.


Feel the vibe, feel the terror, feel the pain
Its driving me insane
I cant fake
For God sakes why am i
Driving in the wrong lane
Trouble is my middle name
But in the end I m not too bad
Can someone tell me if its wrong to be so mad about you
Mad about you
Are you the fishy wine that will give me
A headache in the morning
Or just a dark blue land mine
That ll explode without a decent warning
Give me all your true hate
And I ll translate it in our bed
Into never seen passion, never seen passion
That it why I am so mad about you
Mad about you
Mad about you
Trouble is your middle name
But in the end youre not too bad
Can someone tell me if its wrong to be
So mad about you
Mad about you
Give me all your true hate
And Ill translate it in your bed
Into never seen passion
That is why I am so mad about you
Mad about you

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