Ways From…

…and I just can’t sleep. The new day is here and I am waiting the sunlight in few mins. I am thinking that is 1st of September, a new month. I wish it will be a good one. And while I am waiting to see the sun I am thinking the sunrise of my soul. I feel weird. I don’t know what to type or even how to compose a phrase. I don’t know if i will write something bad or good , right or wrong, and I don’t truly care.

In my mind there are words that could describe my current mood. I’m thinking of the word ‘angry’ , ‘mad’ but finally I understand that I am just pissed off. And again I can’t say I am pissed off exactly. Upset ? Maybe… Killing time, mood and myself. Do I ? No, I don’t do favours. Only when God decide this is going to be.

I hear the first morning noises, I don’t like them right now. I prefer the peace of the silent night even I like the crowd. I won’t deal with my mind. I don’t want to think more about thoughts and ideas I have. I let my hands on the keyboard… and whatever I click it comes out of me… I feel the phrase ’spit it out all’ to be my being lol.

Really no offence. I think I’m angry. I like the color of my coffee, and the warmth of my laptop lol . Weird. Suppose I am human being like you! There is not order in my thoughts, and for first time I like it. I don’t write a story to let the reader follow line by line to not lose the meaning… It’s just me. Weird mode on!

This feeling… that I can keep typing hours… scaring me. Because I know if I do this you all who read are going to be scared and tired. Like the newspaper with the big articles. How boring are some of them! Am I going to end up like them?! Maybe , what if I like it ? :D This is more scared.

See how many ideas I have right now in my small cute mind. About the God about the religions, about the traditions. About how we have raised up by our parents… our families… our enviroment… our societies… I can’t deny that so many things are good and right. But what is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ ? Who can truly answer in this ? While the same time something is wrong to you is right to me and the opossite? What a mess they have cause to humanity some minds thought themselves Masters of the Universe! Truly , madly , deeply -that’s to use the words of the song of Savage Garden – one words comes out from my mouth , and I am thinking to spit it , Bleh!

I am open to accept everything and more good even I think I know to respect everything , all! Yet there are limits… even not always. I truly believe when you love, when you really love, you will overcome your limits in some things and you will keep a balance in some others. Madly, I realize that love isn’t by one side, this is just can’t be , doesn’t exist , or isn’t love at all. Deeply with all the faith I have inside me , beyond God and religions , but to the humanity and to myself I want to insist to take over that castle. That castle I saw up there on the top of the hill.

I wonder only how some people can think just what they want or what they express themselves. Why they don’t want to see that there are more things than what they believe? There are more things than what they know. There is always MORE! Even when we have build our world, there is more than this! Life has more goes up and down right or left! Life has more directions from those our eyes can see! We can’t be right always because each of us is a limitation! A limitation according to the way of our lives. This is the only truth. Like it or not!

Of course noone but noone is forced to accept things. People are free to deny. At least when they can. Because there is not real freedom- but this is another subject- . I agree. You can deny what you don’t like, but you can’t pretend you don’t see it or it doesn’t worth just because you don’t like it! Or else just live in your own world and enjoy! There is more yes , more than me and more than you . And before you step for your next move think that you are not superior. Superiors and inferiors are words that exist for other things. But is better everybody to think isn’t superior. When the death knocks our doors goes the same to rich and to poor , to the smallest dirty house till the most wonderfull palace. And not only… but it’s worthless to type more or say more details , I don’t want to pissed off no one.

I don’t know who you are , what you are innocent or criminal, bad or good , I don’t care for your color , your religion your believes – which all are respected – . One thing I want to say. There is more than You and I on this earth. There are more things than what You and I know. There is always more… Just whatever is… even if sometimes is bad, treat it with LOVE! What goes around comes around!

I love you for what you are, who ever you are and however you are. I love what I have seen and I have met in you. Your mind, yourself , your whole being the way it is. Your way…


Ways From…” üzerine 2 yorum

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